Searchable List of Multistate Letters and Formal Comments

Multistate Letters and Comments

The table below contains information regarding multistate sign-on letters and formal comments submitted by AGs from 2017 to the present. Clicking on an entry will provide a link to a PDF of the letter or comment, as well as additional information about each entry.

The table is fully searchable using the search bar below. Entering any search terms will automatically filter descriptions containing only those terms. You can also use the filters below to search for letters and comments involving certain states or issue areas.

Please visit this page for more information on what cases are included in this table and the case collection methods. Overall statistics and data visualizations using the information in the table are available at this link.

Last Updated: December 24, 2019

Individuals and the media are welcome to use this data for their research or other projects. If used in a published piece, please provide a citation to: Dr. Paul Nolette,