State Lawsuits Database
Scroll down on this page for a fully searchable table containing information regarding state AG lawsuits brought against the federal government from 1980 to the present. Clicking on each entry will provide additional information about each case. For many cases, you can access the original complaint in the case by clicking on the case caption. For completed cases with a judicial decision, you can access the final court opinion in the case by clicking the citation.
Multistate Lawsuits by Administration (Chart)
Multistate Lawsuits by Administration (Table)
Updated tables coming soon (est: March 25).
Last Updated: March 23, 2025
Individuals and media organizations are welcome to use this data for their research, articles, or other projects. If used in a published piece, please provide a citation to: (Dr. Paul Nolette, Marquette University)
The table below is fully searchable using the search bar. Entering any search terms will automatically filter case descriptions containing only those terms. You can also use the filters below to search for cases involving certain states or outcome results.
Please visit this page for more information on what cases are included in this table and the case collection methods. Charts and aggregate totals using the lawsuit information below are available at this link.